Feel and Experience
Only at IBMF 2022
- Learn how to attain the purpose of life and wellbeing through practicing yoga & meditation
- Understand yoga philosophy & the immense power of yoga holistically to empower yourself
- Immerse in a Spiritual Dialog (Satsang) with Great Spiritual Master
- Dive deeper into Yoga with certified Yoga Acharya
- Connect with fellow seekers form around the world
- Unite with the Divine within You

May There be Wellbeing and Peace Everywhere
About the Theme:

While facing pandemic on unprecedented scale for more than a year now, it is time to realize that all living beings on this planet are inter-dependent and inter-connected.
We cannot be happy and free of illness if our neighbors are suffering. We can no longer hide away from the fact that we share a common home, this planet; we are one family; and, whatever happens in any part of this world, this home, ultimately affects all members of the family.
This has been the core message of Yoga Philosophy too, often forgotten by its practitioners focusing on certain physical movements or asanas alone, which are important part of Yoga Practice, but not all that Yoga is.
The Yoga Festival this year focuses upon this very core philosophy. Let us keep healthy both physically and mentally; and share health and happiness with one and all, while rediscovering our Atma, that is our True Self!
Do you want to know the key of
How to Overcome Anxiety & Emotional Imbalance?
What is the Secret of Wellness and Wellbeing?
How to Bring Out the Hidden Potential within You?
How to Regulate Prana/ Life Force?
How to Go Beyond Mind & Achieve Self-Balance?
Find the answer only at the
International Bali Meditators’ Festival
Have you been doing yoga practices but still
What did they say
about joining International Bali Meditators’ Festival
Understand Yoga Philosophy to Empower Yourself?
Know the Immense Power of Yoga Beyond Asanas/ Yoga Postures?
Practice Yoga for Transformation of Mind and Have a Better Life?
Learn How to Attain the Purpose of Life through Living Meditatively?
Find the answers only at
International Bali Meditators’ Festival
Joint Collaboration
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